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Buy FIFA World coins to join Updated EA FIFA World with 7 Reasons


EA Sports has announced that FIFA World, the free-to-play football game for PC, is launching a new gameplay engine with over 16,000 real players from 600 real clubs and 33 fully licensed leagues. There are 7 reasons for FIFA 15 fans to join in it.


1. Build Your Own Club

FIFA World Ultimate Team allows you to play to earn virtual coins and build your own squad from the ground up. You call the shots on who gets to stay and who gets transferred. So it’s time to choose your favorite club for your starter squad.

2. Real Players, Real Clubs, Real Leagues

FIFA World is authentic, with more than 12,000 real players, over 600 real clubs and 33 leagues.

3. Playable Generations

You can choose multiple generations when you create your squad. Depending on their performance from season to season, players’ ratings may increase, decrease or stay the same. For example, Eden Hazard from Season 2014 and Eden Hazard from Season 2015 have different performance and ratings, and you can choose which one better fits your squad.

4. Accomplishments for free FIFA coins

Only available in FIFA World, this feature rewards players for completing tasks based on scenarios from the real world of football! For example, if Leo Messi scores a header on the weekend you may be challenged to do the same in the game and earn great rewards. New Accomplishments are added every week so there is always something new to do.

5. Regular Updates

Once you install FIFA World, free updates including new modes, new features and a whole new gameplay engine will be attached to.

6. Play on almost any PC

You can play the game at work, at home, or at school as you like, as long as you have a desktop or laptop PC and a broadband internet connection, instead of a high-powered gaming PC.

The last but most important thing is that FIFA World is available as a free download.

In FIFA World, you can experience league team mode, Ultimate Team and Single player tournament mode. Besides, it also introduces the following game play features, like Attacking Intelligence, Complete Dribbling, First Touch Controls and Tactical Free Kicks.


Are you ready to experience the additions in action? Anyway, you can buy FIFA 15 coins pc at safewow with 8% discount code “SWFIFA” to save more.


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