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Buy WoW Gold Instant Delivery with Wow Gold Farming Tips


Getting more world of warcraft gold has always been a goal of all WoW players. Some players farm wow gold in game, while others just buy cheap wow gold instant delivery from online suppliers. Here safewow meets all your needs by providing you both wow gold and wow gold farming tips.


Buy WoW Gold Instant Delivery on Safewow Never Get Banned

‘Buy wow gold instant delivery’ refers to that you can get an instant delivery if you buy wow gold on our site, usually within 10-29 minutes. Furthermore, all wow gold for sale on our site are 100% manually made by safewow expert gamers, which means there is no risk of your account getting banned for buying gold here.

World of Warcraft Gold Farming Tips of A Mage

AoE grinding is to farm gold by using a mage or other crowd control character to gather mobs before taking them all out with a few quick spells. Mage’s are usually more efficient in doing this since the time and energy spent on taking out the groups is less than if the mobs were taken out one at a time.

1. To minimize the downtime and maximize the grinding time is important.

Probably, you will need to recovery before taking on the next mob. Even if you have a little down time, it’s better than aimlessly wandering around attacking random groups.

2. Silithus is a good place to do AoE grinding.

Many humanoid mobs are there in this area and they tend to drop better stuff when killed, therefore, Taking out large mobs of humanoids in a short amount of time means a good amount of world of warcraft gold. Most importantly, the humanoids in Silithus have an opportunity to drop runecloth that worth a lot at the AH.

3. Sell off items not needed.

Head to a nearby AH and sell off the items that are not needed. And take other items to vendors and sold for a fair amount of wow gold.


Hope these tips can help you make easy gold in World of Warcraft! For players who need gold badly, just buy cheap wow gold from safewow, more surprises are here waiting for you. We will never let you down!


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Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold.
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